Free hugs
Australia has promoted the "Free hugs" which is comprised as the name s
uggests, of hugs from and to citizens. This idea has been welcomed by the European and American countries, being considered a very good opportunity for people to remember or learn, whichever being the case, to express themselves in an open and close manner.
In Xian Chinese city, after the announcement for the "Free hugs" movement was published on Internet, volunteers gathered on the streets and started putting the campaign message into action.
The passing 'victims' hadn't find out about this new concept. Therefore the
y were shocked, some of them stopped to wonder about what was going on, others rushed away and the majority were appalled that such activities could happen. Even some incidents occurred which needed to be solved by police intervention. The cause of this failure is of course simple: Chinese tradition does not imply hugging. It was imported from foreign cultures and the Chinese people are not used to this form of expression.
Evidently, this campaign would have had success in Romania, for example, where people were accustomed with socializing and expressing their feelings, during many cen
turies of culture and tradition.
For the countries who have a permissive tradition for this kind of expression, I think the idea is very good because it reminds us that one we do not have to be alone, even if we lead busy lives, we do not have to run everyday back and forth on streets and do not even notice the other people passing by.
They are like us and we all share a small place in each community. We can actually remember how it is like to notice people around us, to smile once in a while and to socialize, without any alterior motives.
All this being said, would you like to take part in such a movement and come up with suggestions related to this idea?

In Xian Chinese city, after the announcement for the "Free hugs" movement was published on Internet, volunteers gathered on the streets and started putting the campaign message into action.
The passing 'victims' hadn't find out about this new concept. Therefore the

Evidently, this campaign would have had success in Romania, for example, where people were accustomed with socializing and expressing their feelings, during many cen

For the countries who have a permissive tradition for this kind of expression, I think the idea is very good because it reminds us that one we do not have to be alone, even if we lead busy lives, we do not have to run everyday back and forth on streets and do not even notice the other people passing by.
They are like us and we all share a small place in each community. We can actually remember how it is like to notice people around us, to smile once in a while and to socialize, without any alterior motives.
All this being said, would you like to take part in such a movement and come up with suggestions related to this idea?
The event was described from "Evenimentul Zilei" newspaper.
Tags: Free Hugs , Free Hugs on YouTube ,
Free Hugs on TEN News Australia
As I was telling Zoss, I am in need of something like that right now!
Alina, at 8:13 PM
Here is a big free hug from me!! As for the hot chocolate, it will be available next time we meet :). How are you feeling?
Cristina Banu, at 8:24 PM
We hug maybe too much in Romania... In the buses, in the subway... etc; we exchange... dar de ce naiba scriu in engleza?... Facem foarte des schimb de paduchi si alte animalutze funny in toate mijloacele de transport si cu o groaza de personaje ciudate... care mai de care mai mirositoare a alcool, gunoaie sau murdar... EUROPE HERE WE COME! So... I think it's not a good ideea of actually making a hug festival here... Iti dai seama ca toti hotii s-ar trezi intr-o superba legalitate...
Unknown, at 9:03 AM
Well, I'm quite ok. Thanks for checking up on me every night! You have no idea how much I appreciate it.
Alina, at 9:39 AM
I am glad you are ok and I think I think it's quite normal to check up on you :) I would do this too when I'm at work but the only place I can talk is on the balcony and it's freezing.
Cristina Banu, at 11:13 AM
Zenmonk, nu m-am gandit la inghesuiala de la noi si intr-adevar ar fi amuzant pentru cei care "buzunaresc". Oricum, sa ne pastram simtul umorului.
Cristina Banu, at 11:28 AM
Banuiam... si, da.. era o gluma... Anyway, sper ca nu te deranjeaza daca mai postez si eu pe aici... Nu de alta dar am observat ca aveai o conversatie ceva mai intima cu prietena ta si m-am simtit extrem de... "in plus" si total "deplasat"... pt ca banuiesc ca are o pb si eu am aparut cu glume crtine... sorry daca am deranjat...
I'm new to blog... so please visit my page...
Unknown, at 11:46 AM
Ah, by the way, stiai ca in Venetia cel mai mare shop de masti si costume pentru carnavel este al unui roman? :) O masca paote ajunge de la 10 euro una de plastic simpla pana la cateva sute de mii de euro una din aur sau metale pretioase cu diamante si alte nebunii.. Oricum Italia e o tara plina de romani... sau mai bine zis de romi romani...
Unknown, at 11:55 AM
Ma bucur ca postezi aici :) Ti-am vizitat blogul cand a lasat Alina linkul la un comentariu. O sa-l mai vizitez si in viitor. Nu stiam ca o masca poate atinge astfel de preturi, ar fi buna pentru evenimentele din Moscova unde sunt afisate produse de lux cumparate de cine stie cine de acolo.
Inca nu am fost in Italia dar am auzit ca intr-adevar e plin de romani, rromi si "pur sange" ca sa zic asa :)
Cristina Banu, at 2:40 PM
mmm.. ciudat... ca de abia azi am scris primele chestii pe blog...
Hev fan!
Unknown, at 3:08 PM
PS: I am ZenMonk not Zoss... daca la el te refereai... :D
Unknown, at 3:57 PM
Sorry pentru confuzie :) M-am uitat acum 2 min pe blogul tau. Cam triste versuri...dupa ce ca vremea e urata, hai sa nu ne mai intristam si din cauza versurilor.
Cristina Banu, at 5:33 PM
Vremea nu e urata... ci doar felul cum o privim noi... Ploaia e f apreciata in multe tari africane de exemplu... si reprezinta un simbol al fertilitatii... :P
Si, la fel si versurile mele... nu sunt deloc triste... depinde doar cum le interpretezi... pe mine ma ajuta sa ma eliberez de porcariile cotidiene... Sincer.. Nu am mai scris de foarte mult timp... cred ca din liceu... azi aveam chef sa scriu.. tocmai din cauza ploii...
PUPIK si visele cele mai pufoase si roz...!
Unknown, at 7:53 PM
Ploaia o fi f apreciata in tarile africane pentru ca nu prea exista :) si e normal ca toata lumea s-o astepte cu nerabdare. Eu nu astept niciodata ploaia. Ninsoarea da, ca sa merg la schi :). Versurile de genul celor de pe blogul tau ma intristeaza. Nu vad cum pe unii ii ajuta sa se elibereze de anumite ganduri, pe mine mai mult ma face sa ma adancesc in tot felul de reflectii.
Cristina Banu, at 10:39 AM
La mine a iesit soarele... sper ca si la tine... :P
Unknown, at 1:02 PM
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