European Week Eindoven
Last year I participated at the EWE event and I found it interesting for its debate subjects. The participants are students and the lecturers are professors from
TU/E (Eindhoven Technical University) and guests from EU, NATO councils. This year the topic is "European Evolution- from a separate past to a united future".
In 2006 the event reached the largest number of participants in its history: 450 students. Besides the interesting lectures, debates and workshops, the participants can choose from a variety of cultural programs, Amsterdam visit including of course a lot of clubbing and partying. Every night the organizers guide the participants in club tours, huge Auditorium event of 1000 "party animals" with various music styles, laser shows and of course large amounts of alcohol drinks.
If you are a student, want to debate with fellow international students over EU themes and are willing to experience Dutch and other European cultures, check out the conditions from EWE website and apply for an invitation.
Tags: EWE 2007, EWE website